just a blog of my online and live poker experiences. What a fun ride.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

WOO HOO, Round 2 money green!!

Well, it's been a while since I last posted, but here you go. As I stated in my last blog entry, I started another round of the step tournaments. After reaching step 4, I got knocked back down to step 2. I think I had to play step 2 two times to get to 3 and then I won the 3rd and 4th steps to get me back to the money step #5. This time around the 5th step was a little more exciting. I still took my wait for the top 5 hands approach early on and then try to capitalize, but this time around I actually got a couple of those hands early on. I believe I got an AKs on about the 5th hand and jacked it up to $90 got one caller. Flopped a K78, bet $100, call. Turn 6, check check. River 9, and the other guy moves in for about $800 which would essentially put me out. I had to fold, I just didn't want to take the chance with there being 4 to a straight on the board. At one point I was down to about $600 pretty early on and then built it back up to around $1100. Then they started dropping like flies. It got down to 5 of us around the $150/300 level and I'm in the money for at least $200 again. I'm sitting with about $800 left, I think I was 1 off the button and I get QQ. UTG raises to $700, I push it all in and the button goes in as well. I'm licking my chops thinking I'm tripling up here. The original raiser turns over JJ, YES, Then the third guy in turns over AK, ooooo. But, I'll be damned if a J didn't hit on the flop and I go out in 5th again. I'm still really pumped about it though. That's twice now that I have made it to the 5th step and cashed. So in the past 2 weeks I have won $370, not too bad.
I immediately started a new 2nd step. I also decided to start celebrating with some beers after I got in the money on the 5th step. This probably wasn't a good idea. I got a re-entry on the 2nd step and played it immediately and then got knocked down to the 1st step. Shit! Now I have to win that to advance to the 2nd again. Oh well. I should be able to accomodate those requirements. I really think the 1st step is one of the hardest steps to advance from though. You have to win it to advance and only 2 - 5 get a re-entry. I might just try to make 6th and get $4 back and then buy back into the 2nd step. We'll see.


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