just a blog of my online and live poker experiences. What a fun ride.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Pineapple, what's that?

Well, we were playing a little pick up game after a cookout over the holiday weekend. Who would have thought I would win my largest pot in a home game that night. We were playing $.25/.50 NL games and this hand was pineapple. It was down to three handed and I was on the button with AcAhTc. I raised it to $1.50 the sb called and the bb raised all in to $10.50. We the had a small discussion on when our hole cards would be revealed if I called his all in; whether it be before the discard was made or after. Seeing how this would give me an incredible advantage to see what card he was going to discard and thus what type of hand he was going to be drawing to before I had to discard. It was decided that we would not show our hands until after the flop and the discard were made. All this time I was seriously not expecting the SB to call his all in raise. I called and surprisingly the sb called as well. By now there is $31.50 in the pot, and I have another $34 in front of me and the sb has about $30 in front of him. The flop comes out As, 5s, 9h and I discard and slowly push my remaining stack to the middle while muttering “all in”. The SB does the unthinkable and calls. After they both discarded and tabled their cards, the original all in bet held 88 and the SB had a flush draw. The turn brought an 8 and the river was a blank for both of them, giving me the $91.50 pot and ending the game. That was definitely the largest cash home game pot that I have taken down.



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