just a blog of my online and live poker experiences. What a fun ride.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Poker goodness....

Too bad it wasn't a $50 or $100 SnG, but it was pretty sweet to actually have a great a run of cards for once.

Hand 1 10/15; Qd 3s in the sb call $5 no raises 3 callers
Flop Qh8s5c; Bet 75 two callers
Turn Qs; Check last caller bets 200 I move in for 710 all fold.

Hand 2 folded a guy bluffed with 55 lost all but $290
Hand 3 same guy goes in picks up blinds he’s up to $315

Hand 4; KcKs otb -2
Utg raises 2X bb two callers I raise to $315 exact amount of guy that’s been going in. original raiser calls along with guy I beat in first hand.
Flop Jh 2s Kd; I go in for $895 both callers call
Turn 2h river 8s I put them both out. And up to $3260

Fold 5 hands lost another player down to 7

Hand 10 15/30; Jd Jh otb -1 $3235
One caller I raise to $125 bb goes in for $40 more MP calls the $95
Flop Jc Kh As; MP checks I bet $200 he calls
Turn Ah; I put him in for $480 he calls
River 9h; I put two more out and I’m sitting at $4125 down to 5 players

Fold next 4 hands

Hand 14 15/30; Kd 8c otb -1 $4080
I raise to $90 trying to steal blinds and get two callers
Flop 9c Kc 8s; Bb checks I bet 300 button goes in for 160 more bb folds I call
Turn 8h river Jh; Put another one out and I’m up to $4735

Hand 16; 92c in the bb; Sb is the only one to fold
Flop 8d 7h 5s; I check next guy bets $30 call around.
Turn 6s; I bet 200 it’s raised to 400 next guy goes in for 1010 we both call
One guys has 99 other guy has 9J and we all split. I’m up to $4740 won $5 on that hand.

Hand 18 15/30; Ad Qc otb
I raise to $100 sb and bb call.
Flop 4h9c2s; Sb bets $30 we call
Turn 7d; They check I bet $200 they fold.
Up to $4985

Hand 22 25/50; Ac Qs I raise to $175 and everyone folds. I’m up to $5060 with 4 of us in.

Hand 23 25/50; Ks Kh otb -1
I raise to $200 sb goes in for $845 I’m the only caller
He has AQ
Board AT5Q4 and I’m down to $4190

Hand 24 25/50; I’m in bb one caller I bet the turn and take it down. $4265

Hand 35 50/100; Kc 5h sb raises 2X I call
Flop Kd 5s 6c; He checks, I bet 445 enough to put him all in, he folds.
Up to $4665

Hand 43 75/150; JcJs in the sb I raise to $450 bb goes in for $1295 I call
He shows AK off and gets no help
I knock him out and I’m up to $5860 the other guy has $2140.

Hand 46 75/150; KQo in the sb I call he raises to $450
I decided to try to push him off and go all in he calls with KJo and gets no help.
I river a queen but didn’t need it.
I win in 46 hands and put out all but two players at the table!!


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