just a blog of my online and live poker experiences. What a fun ride.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

one more 27X27 down.

So I completed another $5/3 table SnG. This time taking down 4th good for $14. That makes my ROI 83% while I�m almost half way through my experiment. I was pretty short stacked almost the entire tournament hovering around 15bb up until we were down to about 13 players. I got KK in the big blind and it folded around to the small blind. I thought, well this is going to be another wasted monster. Then the sb surprised me with an early Christmas present and moved all in for $4K vs my $3K. I called and the KK stood up against his A5. As it got down to the money there was one player, 2 to my left, that out chipped everyone else by about 4:1. He stayed pretty well in that position and I lost a race to get knocked out.

I also played in the $3 rebuy satellite for the big one on Sunday. I bought in for the initial $3 and doubled up, plus a little, with QQ on the button on the very first hand. I rode that very well and hit another couple of good hands without getting all in against shorter stacks. So it was one level away from the end of the rebuy period and I was above average with over $6K. This is a very good spot to be in. There was only one other player at the table that had me outchipped. I�ve been making a conscience effort to avoid larger stacks at all costs, and what happened next just drives that point home even further for me. I get KhKs in middle position and make a 5X bb raise. It folds around to the big stack and he min re-raises me. I just call, hoping he has a big ace and not AA. So it�s heads up and the flop comes all diamonds ten high. I think for a minute and d ecided I don�t want him drawing to the flush and push for $5K into a $2K pot. I get called and he shows the other two kings, one of which is of course a diamond. The turn comes out the fourth diamond, and I�m out. I didn�t rebuy since I was only in for $3 and I was kind of sick on how bad I played that hand. That was my night in a nutshell. I have a live game to play tonight, I�ll make a post on that tomorrow.


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